Monday, January 5, 2009

Cha Cha Cha Chia!!

Look at My New Chia Head!!

Imagine my excitement when I came across this antique chia head -named Elmer- at Josie's Antiques! I am ordering some chia seeds to use and to sell at the shop ASAP! I can't think of a more interesting way to grow edible sprouts than this! I'll post more photo's of Elmer as he evolves. In the meantime, read about chia seeds below! I will also grow flax seed sprouts on Elmer since they have the similar mucilage as chia seeds.

Here is the link to the Chia Pet website for directions to grow seeds on a chia pet, or Elmer in my case. I will enclose Elmer in a cloche.

Chia seeds were a staple food source for the Aztecs. They are are an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber and Omega 3 fatty acid and contain no gluten.

Chia seeds can be eaten raw or sprouted. Chia sprouts are a delicious addition to salads and sandwiches. Chia can be ground into a meal to make porridge or cakes, or as an addition to breads, cakes and biscuits.

Another of the super foods: Chia seed was once valued so much that it was used as currency by the Native Americans of the Southwest and Mexico . It was considered a high energy endurance food and was used as far back as the Aztec warriors during their conquests.

Chia seed is highly mucilaginous and has been used by diabetics to slow the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. It also regulates moisture distribution to the cells of the body

more efficiently. Chia seeds are are an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber and Omega 3 fatty acid and contain no gluten.

Chia seeds can be eaten raw or sprouted. Chia sprouts are a delicious addition to salads and sandwiches. Chia seeds can be ground into a meal to make porridge or cakes, or as an addition to breads, cakes and biscuits.

*Chia & flax seeds cannot be sprouted using conventional tray or jar sprouters.

DAY 1: Elmer & Organic Yellow Golden Flax seeds are soaking for 24 hours

Elmer Chia Head

NOW Brand Organic Golden Yellow Flax Seeds

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