Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Grow Our Own & Know Firsthand What We Are Talking About!

Our Seed Racks are full and now is the time to get your seed packets and start planning your gardens! Growing your own food is not only for a few hard core tree huggers anymore. With prices rising, genetically engineered seeds & foods showing up on our grocery store shelves, and harmful pesticides, radiation, and preservatives on just about everything we eat- it is a no brainer to grow your own crops right in your own back yard. Wether you choose to grow a few tomatoes in containers or go full out with raised beds and edible landscaping in your front yard- we have everything you need to be successful. We grow our own and we know what we are talking about! See Craig today at The PURE Gardener and he will gladly get you started in the right direction.



 Heirloom Flowers

 A variety of seeds focusing on carrots, beets, lettuce, spinach, beans, onions, radishes, peas, vining crops, root crops, flowers, and more!

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