Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sneak Peek~ Alain Roby's All Chocolate Kitchen~ Jurassic Park Dinosaur

600 pound  giant chocolate Iguanodon Dinosaur for the premiere of the movie  "Jurassic Park."

Charity for Saving Tiny Heart's Society

Made by Chef Alain Roby from 600 lbs of chocolate
Chocolate Cake Dinosaur Eggs in a Rhinoceros Suit Case

Yummy Chocolate Dinosaur Eggs

I had a lot of fun creating this jungle for the 600 pound Dinosaur created by Chef Alain Roby for the premier of the movie "Jurassic Park." Craig and I used a huge amount of moss on this project! The dinosaur is very life like and it is hard to believe that is it made of chocolate. He will be on display, along with several chocolate creations, and hand blown sugar  sculptures by Chef Alain Roby, at the All Chocolate Kitchen opening Friday  September 10th- Christmas at 507 South Third Street in Geneva, IL.
  (between Caribou Coffee and Kernal Fabyan's Popcorn). Admission is FREE and there will be chocolate's, tarts, and more for sale. Watch Chef Alain Roby recreate his home kitchen in chocolate right before your eyes.  Proceeds will go to Saving Tiny HeartsSociety.


  1. That is so amazing. Is there anything he can't do?

  2. He is very talented and an extremely "real" person. We are blessed to know him :-)

