Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Backyard Chickens in Geneva- Are we getting closer?

Ahhhhhh, the backyard urban chicken saga continues. On our North side, St. Charles is enjoying the benefits of these wonderful little creatures that provide fresh eggs daily, free garden fertilizer, excellent insect control, and friendly companionship that I remember as a young girl. And now Batavia throws the chicken back on the "table". The city is considering allowing chickens back into the community. They were outlawed in 1991. Although, those of us that are in certain circles know many chickens are now living in Batavia as I type this post.

There are several chicken coops in downtown Geneva left over from the good old days. Take a walk around  and you may spot a few.
It is a sure bet that Batavia will approve chickens. Then Geneva will be in the middle of two cities, chicken-less. Will we be the last to get with the program?

We teach embryology in kindergarten. Baby chicks are counted, fed, held, etc. Indoors in the classroom in every suburban school. They don't interrupt classes, or attract rodents, nor do they stink up the place. That is about the extent of what most children see of a live chicken. Then "poof" they are gone. A pet chicken is harmless and shouldn't be outlawed.

 Here is an example of a tasteful chicken coop from

Chickens are popping up everywhere across cities along side family gardens as more and more people are becoming aware of how the food we put on our table is seriously effecting our health and our environment. Not to mention how these beautiful birds are grossly mistreated in huge factory "chicken coops".

It is just a fear of the unknown that keeps chickens at bay. Rumors that a few backyard chickens will put local chicken farms out of business. That foxes, coyotes, and rats will move into our neighborhoods. Chicken poop will stink up the neighborhoods. All unfounded claims.

Chickens are quieter than dogs, they eat tons of bugs- think about those pesky mosquitos and the dreaded Japanese Beetle! They will eat your kitchen vegetable scraps, provide free fertilizer, and healthy eggs right in your own backyard- alongside finches, robins, and cardinals.

This chicken coop- complete with mixed flower containers- cane be found here

Annette MacLean

Read the Kane County Chronicle article.

Here is a link to an example of a backyard chicken coop.


  1. I would love to see chickens in Geneva... and maybe even in my own yard!

  2. We will keep updating as we hear more regarding chickens in the Fox Valley area. They sure are safer, healthier, and better than chickens raised in cramped dirty quarters. They also eat an astonishing amount of insects each day :-0
