Thursday, April 22, 2010

Use Only Organic Fertilizers on Earth Day 2010 - And Every Day

photo & article from

"Craig and I only use organic fertilizers and soils for our gardens. Not only are they good for the environment but they keep our soil and wildlife ALIVE. Pick TODAY, Earth Day 2010, to start green gardening. Stop by the shop for everything you need for success"

Green Your Gardening

This Earth Day, April 22, even while you’re gardening in your very own backyard, you can make a big difference in the health of the ocean. Fertilizers and other chemicals used in conventional gardening are washed into watersheds and eventually to sea, where they can harm coral reefs and other marine life.
Hear from Conservancy marine scientist Stephanie Wear about the impact of fertilizers and pesticides have on our oceans and about steps you can take to reduce the chemicals in your garden.
Learn about square foot gardening — a method of organic gardening that can be done anywhere. It’s a great way to get your family involved in growing your own food — without chemicals!
The Nature Conservancy of Michigan’s director of science Patrick Doran shares step-by-step instructions on how to make your own compost.
Share your green gardening tips with the Conservancy’s online community and help others do the same.

Go HERE for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very good to me about the organic fertilizers...we are sure going to harm the soil much lesser this way.
