Monday, January 25, 2010

Michael Pollan On Oprah!!

Before You Grocery Shop Again: Food 101 with Michael Pollan
Be sure to tune in on Wednesday 1/27 to watch ! Craig and I have been aware of the dangers in food for years and we are quite excited that Oprah is doing a show on it. It is an excellent chance to reach masses of unsuspecting consumers :-) Annette

Oprah and Michael Pollan
Tune In
Do you know where your food really comes from? Food guru and best-selling author Michael Pollan helps clear up the confusion.
Tune in on 01/27 to watch this show

Check out more on Michael Pollan and GMO foods HERE and read more in our "Eyes Wide Open" section.

1 comment:

  1. was a good show, hopefully it will encourage people to grow their own food and support local farmers. At least, be aware of where it comes from and what it is :-)
