Friday, May 29, 2009

Alliums- All Sizes and Shapes

These onions are in one of our raised beds in our backyard. They are quite beautiful growing around our cabbage. We like to pick them green for salads and stir fries. And, also allow some to grow into larger bulbs.

These garlic plants are also in our back yard. They are heirloom varieties that we plant each Fall. First come the garlic scapes that are wonderful made into garlic pesto! Then, the garlic. We enjoy them eaten either fresh picked or dried/ cured a bit. If you look closely, you can see tomato cages. I planted some tomatoes in between the garlic rows. When it is time to harvest the garlic, the tomatoes will be growing nicely and then there will be rows in between the tomatoes- where the garlic once stood. This type of planting allows for more production of vegetables in small gardens.

The little garlic scape is starting to appear!

These purple flowers are the flowers of chives. They are on the corner of 5th and State in downtown Geneva.

These alliums are also on the corner of 5th and State in downtown Geneva and are quite the show stopper! Craig planted the bulbs in the fall and they were worth the wait. They are not edible- we grow them for their beauty.

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