Friday, April 24, 2009

Gardeners, Start Your Engines!

The time is here! Let us get out there and grow, grow, grow our own food. I am more excited about this year's harvest than ever! I plan on growing as much vegetables and fruit as possible -in every single spot possible- for my family this year. And you can do the same!

Did you know that you can successfully put in lettuce, spinach, sweat peas, onions, leeks, cauliflower, beets, radish, kohlrabi, herbs, strawberries, broccoli, and more RIGHT NOW? Plant them in whiskey barrels, raised beds, old buckets, hanging baskets, pots, pots, and more pots. Go crazy and remove your grass and plant them there. Or, better yet- don't even bother removing your grass...frame off a 4x4 or 4x8 open bottom wooden box and layer the bottom (over the grass) with dampen cardboard or black and white news paper. The grass will die under the box and turn into compost. Fill with organic soils and compost and pop your veggies, herbs and edible flowers in. This is the year and this is the time!
I have even put in my tomatoes and a few peppers. OK, I may have gone over board with the peppers because they really don't like the cold. But, the tomatoes will be fine if you watch the temperature and put a sheet, blanket or frost cloth over when the threat of frost comes in.

varooom, varooom, varoom!

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